Release Note
Notes on Every Step of Change MX respin ME
Bismillah. Alhamdulillah, in August 2023 AD coinciding with the month of Safar 1445 Hijri, MX respin ME 0.4 was released. This is the fourth release of MX respin ME and hopefully it can continue to be present as an operating system that can be used freely and legally by the community. The following are some of the MX respin ME 0.4 release notes:
- Based on Debian 12/MX-23 With linux kernel 6.1.0
- Includes all MX-23 features
- There are two variants:
- base (without Islamic application)
- full (with Islamic applications)
- Costumization:
- New wallpaper pack
- Easily change the feel of the desktop with the Theme Changer and profile panel with a total of approximately 100 combinations of shades.
- Standard productivity application:
- Graphics: Citramanik (Bulk SVG export tool for Inkscape), Font Finder (Google Fonts Installer), Gimp, gThumb, Inkscape, and Scribus
- Internet: Firefox, Thunderbird, and Transmission
- Multimedia : Asunder CD Ripper, Audacity, Strawberry, gMTP, Kdenlive, Simple Screen Recorder, VLC, Webcamoid, dan Xfburn
- Office: qpdfview, Foliate, LibreOffice, xCHM, and PDF Arranger
- Islamic productivity app for full version:
- Fonts: Arabeyes, Hosny Amiri, Hosny Thabit, Kacst, Kacst One, Lemonado, Sil Alkalami, Sil Harmattan and Sil Scheherazade.
- Native Apps: Albasheer Quran Browser (complete with audio recitations of Shaykh Ali Huthaify, translations in 27 languages and 7 tafsir), Altaqwa, Arabic Theasurus For LibreOffice, Golden Dict with Arabic and English databases, Hijra Applet, Hisnul Muslim, Maktabah elkirtasse, Muezzin, and Quran For LibreOffice.
- Ebook Apps : Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Dawud Hadith Collection, Guide To Understanding Islam, Hisnul Muslim, Last Prophet, Shahabah, and The Prophet.
- Web Apps (online) : Alfanous, Alif, Al Ma'any Dictionary, Al-Maktaba, Ar-Radif, Quran Audio, Qutrub, Shorof, and Sunnah - Hadith Encyclopedia.
- Miscellaneous: Arabic keyboard pre-setting, cursor with dhikr theme can be selected in the settings menu.
These are the MX respin ME 0.4 release notes
We, the developers of the MX respin ME operating system, would like to thank:
- Our parents and beloved ones
- MX Linux development team for providing MX Linux to the community
- Sabily OS and Twister OS team as our inspiration
- yucefsourani ( for publicizing albasheer to the community.
- Alsarmad ( for publicizing Altaqwa and Hisnul Muslim to the community.
- DBChoco ( for publicizing the Muezzin to the community.
- kovastros ( for publishing Maktabah elkirtasse to the public.
-, dan as a provider of image assets with a free license (for personal or commercial use).
- as a provider of various icon assets, themes, and trinkets within the scope of FOSS
- All application developers available in MX Respin ME 0.4
- As well as all those who participated in the development of MX Respin ME 0.4
Bismillah, Alhamdulillah on 28 Muharram 1444 H coinciding with August 26, 2022 AD, MX respin ME 0.3 was released. This is the third release of MX respin ME and hopefully it can continue to be present as an operating system that can be used freely and legally by the community. The following are some of the MX respin ME 0.3 release notes:
- Based on Debian 11/MX 21
- Includes all the features of MX Linux 21
- For 64bit architecture with kernel 5.10
- There are 2 versions: base (without Islamic application) and full (with Islamic application).
- New wallpaper pack
- Change desktop layouts easily
- There are 9 desktop layouts with 12 ready-made themes
- Standard productivity application changes:
- Grafik : Citramanik (alat ekspor SVG massal untuk Inkscape), Font Finder (Penginstal Font Google), Gimp, gThumb, Inkscape, dan Scribus
- Internet : Firefox, Thunderbird, dan Transmisi
- Multimedia : Asunder CD Ripper, Audacity, Clementine, gMTP, Kdenlive, Simple Screen Recorder, VLC, Webcamoid, dan Xfburn
- Office: Evince, Foliate, LibreOffice, PDF Arranger, and PDF-booklet
- Removing the default MX Linux game
- Changes to the Islamic productivity app for the full version:
- Fonts: Arabeyes, Aref Ruqaa, ElMessiri, Hosny Amiri, Jomhuria, Hosny Tsabit, Kacst, Kacst One, Katibeh, Lateef, Lemonado, Mada, Markazi, Mirza, Qahiri, Rakkas, Reem Kufi, Scheherazade, Sil Alkalami, and Sil Lateef.
- Native Apps: Albasheer Quran Browser (complete with translation, tafsir, and audio), Altaqwa, Arabic Theasurus For LibreOffice, Golden Dict with Arabic and English databases, Hijra Applet, Muezzin, and Quran For LibreOffice.
- Ebook Apps : Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Dawud Hadith Collection, Guide To Understanding Islam, Hisnul Muslim, Last Prophet, Shahabah, and The Prophet
- Web Apps : Alfanous, Alif, Al Ma'any Dictionary, Al-Maktaba, Ar-Radif, Quran Audio, Qutrub, Shorof, and Sunnah - Hadith Encyclopedia
- Miscellaneous: Arabic keyboard pre-setting, cursor with dhikr theme can be selected in the settings menu.
These are the MX respin ME 0.3 release notes
We, the developers of the MX respin ME operating system, would like to thank:
- MX Linux development team for providing MX Linux to the community
- Sabily OS and Twister OS team as our inspiration
- dan as a provider of image assets with a free license (for personal or commercial use)
- as a provider of various icon assets, themes, and trinkets within the scope of FOSS
- All application developers available in MX respin ME 0.3
- As well as all those who participated in the development of MX respin ME 0.3
Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, at the beginning of the year 2022 AD or in the middle of the year 1443 Hijri, MX respin ME 0.2 was released. This is the second release of MX respin ME and hopefully it can continue to be present as an operating system that can be used freely and legally by the community. The following are some of the MX respin ME 0.2 release notes:
- Based on MX Linux 19.4
- Includes all features of MX Linux 19.4
- For 64bit architecture with kernel 5.10
- XFCE Desktop Environment
- New hijri wallpapers, themes and conky packs
- Easy user interface
- Added theme and layout switcher
- Added cursor with dhikr animation
- Removing the default MX Linux game
- Added new productivity apps: Evince, Font Finder (Google fonts installer), font manager, pdfbooklet, and xCHM
- Adding/changing Muslim apps:
- Native apps: Ayat, elboukhari, elforkane, elkirtase, Goldendict with Arabic database, Hijri Applet, Mishkal, Othoman Quran, Prayer Time (elokab adhan), Quran for LibreOffice, Qutrub, and Thawab.
- Ebook apps: Arbain An-Nawawi, Bulughul Maram, Hadits 7 Imam (Bukhari, Muslim, Sunan Abu Daud, Sunan Ad-Darimi, Sunan Ibnu Majah, Sunan Nasai, Sunan Tirmidzi), Hadith Collection (English), Hisnul Muslim, Last Prophet, Shahabah, dan The Prophets.
- Web apps: alfanous, Alif, Alma'any Dictionary, Asmaul Husna, getHadith, and Muslim Reference.
These are the MX respin ME 0.2 release notes
We, the developers of the MX respin ME operating system, would like to thank:
- MX Linux development team for providing MX Linux to the community
- Sabily OS team as our inspiration
- dan as a provider of image assets with a free license (for personal or commercial use)
- as a provider of various icon assets, themes, and trinkets within the scope of FOSS
- All application developers available in MX respin ME 0.2
- As well as all those who participated in the development of MX respin ME 0.2
Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, at the beginning of the month of Rajab 1442 Hijri or at the end of February 2021 AD, MX respin ME 0.1 was released. This is the first release of MX respin ME and hopefully it can continue to be present as an operating system that can be used freely and legally by the community, especially Muslims. The following are some of the MX respin ME 0.1 release notes:
- Based on MX Linux 19.3
- Includes all features of MX Linux 19.3 (
- For 64bit architecture with the latest and stable kernel 4.19 for newer machines
- XFCE Desktop Environment
- Easy user interface
- Selected Muslim Apps: Al Quran Digital, Sahih Bukhori, Maktabah Al Qirtaas, Hijri Calendar, Dhikr Reminder - Prayer Times, and Zakat Calculator.
- A variety of pre-installed application software ready to support your productive activities
These are the MX respin ME 0.1 release notes
We, the developers of the MX respin ME operating system, would like to thank:
- MX Linux development team for providing MX Linux to the community
- The Linux Mint developer team for making Linux Mint available to the community so that we can use the Linux Mint theme pack on the MX respin ME
- Vinceliuice ( for providing Tela Circel Icon to the community so that we can use this icon pack on MX respin ME
- And all application developers available in MX respin ME 0.1